It was a cold night and it didn’t get warm enough all day for the frost to melt in some protected spots. Tomorrow will be exciting – there will be some wet stuff falling from the sky, but the question is, will it be snow or rain?
It was a cold night and it didn’t get warm enough all day for the frost to melt in some protected spots. Tomorrow will be exciting – there will be some wet stuff falling from the sky, but the question is, will it be snow or rain?
Yesterday I said it was strange to see some sunlight, but today it was sunny from beginning to end and the temperature finally dropped to a level which is more appropriate for late October. At 3pm, the sun is already that low in the sky! And like I said, it’s …
It was pouring rain all night, 23mm when I left for work. The wind was also very hard, I had trouble sleeping when the rain kept beating against the window. But during the day the sun came out, how strange to see some light!
It feels like it’s been raining all month. This is the result.
Three hundred pictures into my 365 project*! I wish I would have something better to celebrate with, but on a weekday when there’s not enough daylight to shoot before or after work, this is what I get. A quick snap on my lunch break, a familiar sight to anyone who’s …
Having the bird feeder in the forest is not so good for photography… really dark. Especially on a dark day like this. But it’s fun, so I sat there for a while and tried to get a picture of the crested tit, without success. The nuthatches on the other hand …