
After some heavy hiking in the Alps, it is nice to be back on our gentle fjälls and take it slow and just enjoy the trek. Today’s activity was to check out a waterfall I found out about recently, the Fallmoran waterfall in Vemdalsskalet. It was a 4 km hike from the Storhogna hotel, and coming back, we had a tasty lunch at the hotel. It felt a bit luxurious and the Swedes have a great word for this – vardagslyx. Everyday luxury!

After lunch, we had time to visit the Sångbäcksfallet waterfall as well, and the raining didn’t start until we sat in the car on the way home. Well, apart from that shower that threatened to spoil our coffee break by Fallmoran, but didn’t…

Fallmoran (upper falls)
Fallmoran (upper falls)

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