The last day! It’s surprising how calm the weather is again, so we started with some lakeside shooting. But then, inevitably, it started raining again so after a few frames I packed the camera again. The rain wasn’t all bad though, and it was coming and going, so after breakfast we drove to a place which offered reflections of Etive Mor (if only the clouds had been a bit higher). I gave up on the reflection and wandered off on my own, trying to find a waterfall with a view instead, but that wasn’t as easy as I thought – my intended shortcut turned out to be anything but short, when I was constantly hitting such boggy grounds that I had no option but to find a way around. And again. And again. By the time I found a waterfall, I should’ve been going back to the car already so for the first time on this trip, I was actually the last person to return!
Then we drove back to Etive Glen which I sat out yesterday, but this time the weather looked a lot more promising. The clouds were genuinely breaking and after a while, we even got sunlight! But even as the weather was improving, my mood was getting worse… My extremely introverted nature had reached the saturation point with regards to having other people around, and I wanted nothing more than to be alone. I kinda failed to stay all nice after the third person wandered in my composition… I promise you I totally understand that it’s not possible to avoid other photographers in all situations, but at that point I was really struggling with the social aspect of life. When I finally got some alone time, it was cut short by my telephone reminding me to go back to the car. Where I was the last person, again!
With the light and the calm weather, we drove to yet another lake for the evening shoot. But all good things come to end, so did the light, and this trip. And what a trip it was! For the life of me, I don’t understand why people spend their holidays on the beach or by the pool, when they could experience the cliffs and the lakes and the mountains and the sea and the waterfalls in Scotland. Wearing four layers of clothes, at 6am, waiting for the light. Can it get any better than this?