Wind and rain

It rained a lot on Thursday and suddenly the water level in Ljusnan is as high as it was in June. The waterfall at Kvarnströmmen has not even existed in the past weeks, and now it’s roaring loud. All this water means that my great idea to do waterfall shooting goes out the window, there’s just simply too much water now in every brook, creek and river.

When the raining stopped, the wind picked up. It’s really windy now, so much so that when I went up to Funäsdalsberget after work today, it was hard to hold balance and even harder to shoot. There’s no such image stabilisation yet that would compensate for body movement… while sitting on a rock and steadying my elbows on my knees. Ridiculous. And oh joy, this wind won’t calm down until next week. And it looks like it’s gonna rain this weekend as well.

Just when the birches were starting to look nice.

The sun is breaking through
The sun is breaking through
Faint rainbow on Ormruet
Faint rainbow on Ormruet

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