The season changed while I was gone – when I got home last night, I found that summer has come to the mountains as well! Now the trees are green and it’s nice and warm. And if I needed any more proof about the season, then I ate it today – I walked up to Kariknallen for a waffle. I just had to get one!
On the way up to the waffle cabin, I had a look at the mires at Rockvallen. Considering how much snow there had been less than two weeks ago when I was here to check the status, I wasn’t surprised to see the mires still pretty much dead. There were some early flowers of course, but not a sign of e.g. orchids which are normally quite numerous here. And the leaves on the trees are not quite fully grown yet.
But it was warm. T-shirt warm! I sat outside to eat my waffle, barefoot because my feet were suffocating in the boots. Afterwards I walked on the snow but although the reindeer use the snow to cool down, my feet barely noticed it. But it’s ok, summer is probably going to be shorter than usual this year because it started so late so it’s better to enjoy every moment of it!