The sea is like being abroad for me, the landscape (seascape!) is so different from what I’m used to. Sailing boats a-plenty, bare cliffs, salty air, flat horizon, constant fear of ticks bearing dangerous diseases and strange plants. It was an awesome day out on the sea, complete with an almost full super-moon rising!

When I saw these ashes, I was sure for a moment I was in some foreign country. Never seen trees cut like that!
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When we were in Norway in July, I was marvelling at the cabins that had been built high up on the mountains, in places that seemed completely inaccessible. In the archipelago, there was a house or a cabin on almost every island and what really impressed me is that some of those houses are for permanent residence and not just for occasional summer use.
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Heading past the outer islands. Beyond the horizon – Åland.
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In the evening we went ashore on one of the outer islands to get a free view towards the moonrise and sunset. Unfortunately though, the sunset was fading behind a thin veil of clouds which gave a diffused light on the cliffs. I did the best I could, without bothering to be too disappointed because it really had been a glorious day.
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So much detail to explore!
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That’s Staffan setting up his gear for shooting the moonrise.
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The moonrise was going the same way as sunset – behind haze. But after some waiting, the moon finally got high enough to become visible.
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It was getting dark so it was time head back to base. The stars were coming out by the time we made it and I got this feeling that it was the last day of summer. What a finish!