Rain in the air

I got to the cabin yesterday and kicked off my vacation. I was curious to see the state of the autumn colours and found that it’s not very good this year. Much of the leaves have already fallen and the remaining colours are a bit on the dull side because of the warm weather we’ve had in the late summer. But still, it’s better than it was two years ago (when the birch rust made the leaves fall already in August). Looking at the weather forecast, the state of the colours is almost a null point because it seems like it’s gonna rain all week, so I’ll be lucky to catch any breaks at all. From the hiking point of view it doesn’t matter, I have waterproof clothes so I’ll be fine (I actually like walking in the rain) but doing any photography will be somewhere between difficult and impossible. But that’s ok. I’m just happy to be here.


My first hike took me to Fiskhålsgraven as usual. It’s the closest tundra and even if I hate the hike up there, it’s all worth it in the end. And although I’ve been there countless times already, I found a new way into the ravine and when I got back up, I just picked a random direction and walked. I didn’t care where I was going, as long as I was going. So I explored a part of Flatruet where I hadn’t been before, can’t say I found anything really very interesting but then again the light was so bad that it made everything look flat. It was also getting quite dark, even though it was only mid-afternoon. The seven days of raining was about to begin and I got the first drops on me when I was walking back down to the cabin.

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