
I slept for 10 hours. 10 hours! The last time it happened I was jet-lagged after 32 hours without sleep, coming back from Canada. I should’ve learned from my vacation in March. I can’t push myself physically every day, I just don’t have the condition for it and at some point my body will call it quits. I was so tired that after breakfast, I seriously considered crashing on the couch for a nap. But I had a feeling that if I did that, I wouldn’t be able to get up again. So I took on the job I had been putting off for ages – sawing the firefood I had had lying around for two years.

The thing is, I have never used a chainsaw. I bought one last year because I knew I would need it once the fireplace is installed (will happen in a few weeks I hope), but I didn’t get around to using it. Until today. I don’t know how close I was to losing any limbs or other body parts because at one point the saw kicked back some wicked and a bit later the chain came off. Nothing broken though (me or the saw), so I fetched the manual and proceeded with re-attaching and tightening the chain. I was a bit nervous after that, but when I checked the chain tightness after every block I sawed off and it held fine, I calmed down. The last person who tightened the chain was my dad in September so I thought it was ok and didn’t check it when I started to saw… don’t tell him!

There’s an old saying in Finnish, ”Siperia opettaa”. Literally, Siberia teaches you. Referring to the infamous labour camps in Siberia during the Soviet era. Or even today, I don’t know. So that’s where I am now. Learning things because I have to. Like using a spray canister to paint the walls. Or a chainsaw to make firewood. The next thing I need is to sprout some muscles and learn to wield a heavy axe so I can chop the blocks I made today. What are the odds that my limbs will still be intact after that?

For the first time this summer – actual summer

It figures that today was the first sunny day of the vacation. It was also quite warm, so it felt like a crime to drink my afternoon coffee indoors. But then I thought about hiking through a mosquito infested forest in order to get up on a mountain so I can drink the coffee without those blood sucking devils. And every time I moved, there was that sense of fatigue that I felt this morning. A hike up a mountain just wouldn’t have been possible today, but that didn’t stop me from going cycling in the evening because cycling is much easier than hiking, right? I did a trip of 20 km and my legs were shaking.

I am so ready to go back to work… sitting in a chair for 8 hours sounds like a vacation I need to recover from this vacation!

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