The sun sets pleasantly early in September, giving me nice opportunities to try to catch a nice sunset. I mean, go out for the sunset and come back for the evening tea… works perfect for me. But there’s a lot more to sunsets than just finding the right spot for shooting it!
Attempt 1
I was looking towards west but the sky was almost clear so there was nothing to shoot, but in the south there was this one cloud that looked perfect in relation to the trail, so I was in a hurry to set up the gear and shoot it before the light faded.
Attempt 2
Nothing. Zero. Zilch.
Attempt 3
It was a clear and sunny day which tempted me to drive out to make use of the evening light. I got the light, but what I really need is some nice clouds instead because the lack of autumn colours are not doing any favours to the light.
Attempt 4
Now we’re talking! I was really happy that my efforts were finally paying off, but then when I saw the pictures on the screen they just didn’t feel as nice as the sunset was when I was looking at it happening. I need more clouds.
Attempt 5
I got too much clouds. Above the horizon it was just right, but those clouds at the horizon obscured the sun so the sunset was so colourless that it was almost black and white anyway.
Attempt 6
Another nice evening that was looking very promising for the sunset, but then the light faded behind a bank of clouds in the western horizon.
Attempt 7
I would’ve converted this to B&W but I’ve already used that trick.
Attempt 8
I was out on the road and didn’t have time to find any nice sunset spot. Not that it mattered anyway, because once again the sun set behind some clouds in the horizon. But in the north, the high clouds were catching the last rays.
Attempt 9
I gave up. No matter how nice the day was, in the evening those pesky clouds in the horizon made the sunset a non-event again.
And that was it. If I didn’t catch a great sunset, it sure wasn’t because I wasn’t even trying!