Chasing rainbows

It was great weather on Monday evening. I was looking through the bus window towards a dark cloud behind me, and sunlight in front. An amazing sight and I knew the rainbow would be somewhere there, so I half ran home from the bus, grabbed the camera and drove out. …

Plan B

The weather forecast said it would be sunny. Right now. I looked outside and the sky was overcast. I had a plan though and I intended to follow it, maybe it would clear out a bit later… so I drove to my spot and found out that I had nothing …


Spent the weekend at the cabin, and managed to waste most of it on putting together Ikea furniture. 8 hours on a wardrobe, and we were two people working on it! It would’ve been impossible alone. But… there was this one photo session that was worth the trip alone. Full …

Tour de Finnmark

Ever since last year when we did some driving around in Orsa Finnmark, I’ve been wanting to go back to explore the places. Last year it was late autumn and the weather was a bit iffy so I didn’t really stop anywhere, just made mental notes about the places we …

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