
The snow cover isn’t very thick yet, but it varies from place to place even within a small area – altitude plays a big role. When you drive north from Loos, you get to over 500m above sea level and in winter it shows quite clearly. Already now there’s more snow and we also found the trees covered in frost and with the low clouds that hung just above the tree tops, it was quite an amazing sight. That’s as close to natural high key as it gets! I would’ve liked to walk around the marsh a bit more, but the snow had covered it before it was properly frozen so it was tough going and a bit too wet at places so we kept in the forest instead.

Early winter
Early winter

The forest roads are not ploughed which gave us a problem. A car with a high clearance would still be ok on these roads, but in a normal car we struggled through the snow and at one point got stuck. But my guide was well prepared and had a shovel in the car so we just dug out the snow and got past the bad spot, no worries. Having said that, it’s not something I would like to encounter on my own so I will have to stick to the ploughed roads from now on!

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