Yesterday was such a great day that it was unrealistic to think that I would have another one today. My hike started off cold, windy and moody and when I was climbing up to mount Ramundberget from Walles, I found that my thighs were a lot more tired than the rest of my body. I was lifting my feet more by will power than muscle power but at least I was still ok walking on level ground and going down. My original plan was to go to the Hästkläppen peak after Ramundberget, but having discovered how sluggish my feet felt, I abandoned that and settled with one peak. With the weather as it was, I wasn’t inspired to make extended hikes anyway.
There was a path to the peak of Ramundberget, but instead of going back the same way I continued down on the other side to meet with a trail that was coming from Ramundberget (the village) and then follow it down to the Össjön valley and then south-east back to Walles. A great plan with one big problem – the trail from Ramundberget (the village) was old and apparently not used much and although finding it at first wasn’t hard, it was really hard to stay on it. The trail was frequently crossing some wet streaks and disappeared and initially I always found back, but the closer I got to the creek at the bottom of the valley, the harder it was to find the trail again. In the end it didn’t matter, it was virtually impossible to get lost in any case but the terrain was not fun. All these small streams of water and patches of marshland that you constantly had to be going around to find a safe place to set foot. I’ve got Goretex boots but it doesn’t mean that I want wade in water ankle-deep all the time.
But then there were these really brief spells of sunshine that lifted my spirit. At one point there was big blue gap in the sky and I saw that the clouds were moving in the right direction, so I had some time to find a good(ish) spot and get some sunshine pictures. But then the gap closed and I didn’t see the sun again the rest of the day. It started raining when I was driving back.