As I said yesterday, I expected there to be more birds and as it turned out, there were. Constant traffic! I sat in the blind for two hours, shot 213 frames and kept… 9. I wouldn’t be doing this with film! Normally I’m happy if I just get something which is sharp and correctly exposed when I’m photographing birds, but too much is too much so I started throwing away some technically good pictures as well. I expect the numbers to get even worse in the future, the more pictures I have a of a species, the more selective I can get… at the moment it’s mostly great tits, it came to a point where I decided that I won’t shoot any more great tits and just waited for the other birds. I was happy to get a few good frames of a willow tit and a blue tit, but the nuthatches and coal tits avoided my perches as yet. No sign of the crested tit so far, I hope it’s still around though.
So all I’ll have to post until the snow arrives is birds. You have been warned.