The flower season is starting to wind down, but there are still some interesting flowers left. Orchid-wise, the only thing to look forward to is the ghost orchid, but then again, that’s plenty to look forward to. It’s just an amazing flower! Twayblade is still in bloom, so are some late heath spotted orchids and we even found one very late blooming early marsh orchid, and I know that the creeping lady’s-tresses should be at their best right now (note to self: photograph them!). One exciting flower we visited today is the moor-king lousewort (Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum). In my mind I always see it as an alpine plant, but it does grow in the low-land as well and we have it. And then the bog star is up and coming, I definitely hope to explore that beautiful flower in more detail this year.

But the best discovery today was not a plant at all, but a place. I’m always keen on some waterfalls, so my guide took me to a stretch of the Svartån creek which turned out to be pure photographic heaven for me. Because of the big rains in the past days the creek was nearly flooding (and the colour wasn’t very nice because the creek is mainly fed by run-off from the bogs) so it wasn’t showing its best side for me today, but there is absolutely no denying the potential. I’m already dreaming of October and all the colours…

When we were making our way back, it suddenly dawned on me that this was part of the Hamra National Park now, as it was extended in May. It made me even more happy, knowing that this fabulous place is protected. The landscape may not be spectacular, the plants may not be rare, but in my eyes this place is as special as it gets!