I have this recurring dream (or nightmare) that I’m looking at a photo opportunity of a lifetime and then when I press the shutter button, nothing happens. Well, unfortunately it looks like this nightmare is now becoming true – lately the shutter button is not responding as it should. Halfway it’s just fine, it focuses just as fast as it always did, but then when I press it fully to take the picture – nothing. Zip. Nada. This happens maybe 1 time out of 5 and it’s not related to the lens I use (I’ve tested with two Canon L-series lenses). No such problems when using a remote, so it’s only the camera shutter button that’s now starting to act up.
A real nuisance when I’m photographing moving subjects like the birds with the 300mm lens. Having to use the remote makes the process very un-intuitive because you have to keep your right hand on the handle anyway to move and balance the camera, and then the left hand is on the lens to steady the rig which is not very comfortable when you also have to operate the remote.
Definitely a bug, not a feature.
Let’s see… I bought my camera in September last year. They come with a 1-year warranty, right? Bummer.