Jasper is really getting washed out. Yet another rainy morning, so we used it for treating ourselves to a pancake and maple syrup breakfast. It was good. Then we did a short hike at Cottonwood Slough, tried a few photos but it was forced. Now it was just a matter of killing time until lunch, so I thought I would check out the road towards Edmonton. Got lucky straight away – a group of elk, a bull with 8 cows!
I spent over an hour shooting them, even if it was a big distance to cover even for 300mm x 1.4 and the angle was bit wrong. But I wanted to see if I could get some good behaviour shots and maybe they would even mate… but no. So I continued driving and then it started raining. The scenery got just simply stunning, no big mountains in sight but lovely green lakes by the road, with small spruce covered islands and autumn yellow reeds and grasses. It was heartbreaking not be able to photograph it, I can only imagine how beautiful it could be in other weather – all I needed was the raining to slow down to a drizzle, but it just wasn’t to be.
And later in the day we saw another coyote. But that was it, I have a memory card full of elk and very little else from this place called Jasper.