
Just to show that I do sometimes persevere and follow up on my ideas, I finally took the shot of the Lo(o)s Monument I talked about in June.

Loos Monument
Loos Monument

I underexposed generously in order to get a proper silhouette and not to wash out the sky. I also only let the edge of the sun to show up behind the monument, this to make sure that I would get a nice star effect without flares all over the place. And would you believe, it eliminated all the flare – I never thought it would be possible! The other images where I had let in a bit more light and sun had varying degrees of flare.That’s one more subject I can check off from my Los subject list (for the project). Nice.

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In case you’re wondering why I’m spelling Los and Loos (and Lo(o)s), it’s because both spelling variants exist. The official spelling is with one o, but the local folks prefer two. I would also rather use two o’s, but it gets a bit confusing if you have any background in the English language. Fancy living in Toilets?

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